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Iliad Fiction Film Pitching Lab.

İlyada Destanı, tarihsel bir özdeyiş oluşturarak sinema sanatının temellerini derinlemesine etkilemiştir. Destanın güçlü anlatımı, sinema sanatının temel öğelerine öncülük etmiş ve bugünkü sinema anlayışının şekillenmesine katkıda bulunmuştur.​


Epik atmosferi film yapımcılarına zengin bir görsel deneyim sunma konusunda ilham vermiş ve karakterler arasındaki çatışmalar, duygusal derinlik ve etkileyici diyaloglar, sinema dünyasının dramatik potansiyelini açığa çıkarmıştır.

After the pre-selection, the "Iliad Fiction Pitching Lab. Award" will be given to a project determined by the jury among the 6 projects that will compete in the final. Again, a project selected by the jury is given the "Paris Choice Special Award" by the Troy Museum.


Troya Film Platform recognizes the essential role emerging talents and producers play in amplifying, supporting and influencing their voices in filmmaking.

Producer's Start Up is a 3-day training program for project owners to improve their skills with experts in the field in a small and warm environment consisting of a maximum of 8 projects. Through intensive training workshops, group workshops, specially prepared one-on-one meetings and master classes led by recognized experts in the field, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the various elements of filmmaking and a full grasp of the duties of a producer.

Participants will seize opportunities to explore film marketing and distribution strategies by targeting the right audience, understanding international markets and using effective sales tactics.

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Agora Meetings, which is among the events of Troya Film Platform, is not only for the cinema industry but also for advertising. It stands out as a special platform that appeals to a wide range of segments such as cinema technologies, finance and banking.

This event provides a platform where professionals and projects from various sectors can come together, evaluate cooperation opportunities, provide financing and realize their creative ideas.

Agora Meetings was designed inspired by the historical riches of Troy and aims to create a comprehensive collaboration environment between different disciplines such as cinema, advertising, finance, banking and cinema technologies. This event will be a meeting point where professionals, especially those working in the fields of advertising and finance, will have the chance to present their projects to investors and seek new cooperation opportunities.

During the event, pitching and training sessions for advertising projects will be organized to provide a broad perspective to the participants. Agora Meetings aims to bring Turkey's cultural heritage to a wider audience by promoting inter-sectoral synergy. In this way, participants will have the opportunity to both develop their projects and interact with other professionals in the sector.

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Troya Film Platform is a co-production market and project development platform that aims to contribute to the development of the Turkish film industry, create synergy between both the national and international film industry, and create new collaboration opportunities for the projects of main or co-producers from Turkey. Where history and mythology meet. While following the traces of the past with cinema professionals from around the world in the rare venue Troy Museum, it also strives to shape the understanding of cinema for the next generation.

Film Platform aims to offer a unique experience for individuals who are devoted to cinema and archaeology. This platform, which allows viewers and participants to discover original stories that go beyond time, in a harmonious synthesis of history and art, is in cooperation with the Troy Museum.

Within the scope of our project, training, financing and networking opportunities will be provided for projects and research in the fields of film industry, archeology and anthropology. Each of them is compatible with Turkey's success in the global market, its international goals and its efforts to increase its innovation capacity. They are parts of a strong vision project that will not only contribute to the film industry and the field of archaeology, but will also add significant value to Turkey's cultural tourism.

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